Diffuse the Back-to-School Blues
Where did the summer go?! Countless parents are asking themselves the same question right about now. It is the end of the summer and time to

Practicing Mindfulness and Positive Coping Strategies
How can I feel better? What can I do to not feel or be this way anymore? Those are the most common questions I hear from people wanting to f

Mindfulness Skills Group for Adolescents
Adolescents Ages 14 - 18.
This group offers adolescents an opportunity to meet together and learn effective ways to manage stress and strong

Amputee Journey Seminar
The Functional Amputee Support Team of Orange County (FAST) in conjunction with Southern California Prosthetics (SCP) invite you to...

Welcome to Beach Psychology
Beach Psychology is now open for individual, couples and family psychological services in Manhattan Beach, California.